Nurse Clinics
Our Nurses (currently Alton Surgery Only) run two clinics free of charge for overweight pets and also diet advice for rabbits, guinea pigs and rodents. A third clinic for our senior pets is available for various charges depending on procedures undertaken. Nurse Clinics form an integral part of preventative health care.
Cuddly Club
Do you dread the vet putting your animal on the scales? An estimated 60% of pets in the UK are now classed as obese. Obesity can cause serious health complications. This clinic is designed to give you all the encouragement and advice you need to get your pet to a healthy weight safely and then maintain their fit physique.
Fabulous Furries
Caring for the smaller furries such as rabbits, guinea pigs and other rodents can be harder than imagined and will incur significant health problems if not done carefully. These prey species hide illnesses incredibly well so that they are not singled out by predators and therefore noticing problems takes great care and attention. Dental problems are common in rabbits fed on inappropriate muesli food and guinea pigs can become ill if not given appropriate Vitamin C supplementation. Diet and more can be discussed with our very enthusiastic nursing staff who are dedicated to preventative health care in these species through good education about their specific needs.
Golden Oldies
Our pet population are living to a greater age as mirrored in the human world, this leads to particular conditions becoming more prevalent. A nurse consultation for weight check-up and discussion regarding lifestyle of the older patient can be a good way to pick up problems early and gauge trends. Our RCVS accredited nurses are qualified to give you advice, run urine samples, take blood samples and blood pressure measurements from your pet. Regular monitoring of these parameters can significantly improve early diagnosis and treatment of a wealth of conditions. Any conditions warranting concern would be referred onto a veterinary surgeon.
Diabetic Club
In Diabetic Club we support both you and your pet from first diagnosis and throughout. We monitor your pet’s condition with regular checks where we record weight, body condition, blood glucose and quality of life. Due to routine blood and urine tests, the vet is able to adjust any medication as necessary.
Being a member of the Diabetic Club you will be assigned a dedicated vet and nurse to your case to maintain continuity so your pet receives the best care possible.